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Sussex Partnership NHS Trust's Public Claims ~ Are They True?

Check them out for yourself:

Image from SPFTs own website on above link

OK so here we go...

Well I can't be confident, when SPFT has broken NHS rules to reject my valid ASD diagnosis and ignored incontrovertible medical proof of my autism, breaching laws.

There is precisely zero about autism on SPFTs web page about their CQC rating: and SPFTs newsletter very rarely contains anything about autism, it barely exists as far as they are concerned. In a meeting with their CEO Samantha Allen, she didn't even know what an autism care pathway was (she thought it was just a meeting), even though they have to offer them to all autistic people according to the law.

They have a web page about their policy on equality and human rights, which they have grossly breached and continue to breach, as regards myself:

In their clinical strategy, they make the following statements:

Well support for an autistic person is from an autism care pathway and as they aren't offering that to anyone, how can they be transforming care by 'building the right support'? They have the cheek to say:


“Providing consistently high quality services means:

working together in partnership with each other, the people who use our services and other organisations

Our clinical strategy describes the key service changes we will be making both within Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and in partnership with others through our local sustainability and transformation plans (STPs). It will require us to:

  • focus on mental health promotion and prevention

  • I will be treated with care and compassion

  • I will have support that addresses all of my needs, including the psychological and social components of my difficulties where appropriate”


Well, considering their long list of failures resulting in many deaths, they don't have high quality services and considering their Neurobehavioural Clinic failure to comply with NHS NICE Guidance CG142 and diagnostic failings, considering what they have done to me as can be seen by the lies and cover-up evidenced on this website, I deny that they are doing what they claim publicly.

In their “Long Term Plan snapshot” document ( the document starts with a section on autism, the 4th bullet-point says SPFT will:

“improve overall support” for people with autism. Well if they don't even know what an autism care pathway is and that they are required in law to provide it to autistic people, then they aren't doing this. And they certainly aren't doing it in my case. In this 2017 SPFT "Partnership Matters" newsletter in which their Worthing clinic lead Bettina Stott (the person who they told me would reassess me in 2014, before they reneged and lied to me) says: "At the moment I think staff are a little bit scared of autism and I want to change that." (P21). I don't know about scared of it, in my experience they are incompetent at it. Interestingly, the newsletter also says: "That’s where Bettina Stott comes in. She is the Trust’s only Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) specialist practitioner." (P20). So as that's the case, they are admitting the Brighton Neurobehavioural Clinic where they send so many adults to be assessed (and who failed to diagnose me - twice), is not ASD specialist

In their “Values and Behaviours Framework” ( they state: “our vision” includes People First, Everyone Counts. In that same document they state:


“The values of the NHS Constitution are at the heart of what we do at Sussex Partnership. This description of how we want others to experience us at Sussex Partnership is directly linked to the NHS Constitution Values" (

“We want others to experience us as:

  • Listening and taking action

  • Making bold decisions in the interest of patients

  • Being open and honest

“We want to avoid others experiencing us as:

  • Being inflexible

  • Making decisions based on outdated clinical evidence

  • Not considering the needs of all

  • Gaining little insight into a patient’s condition and its impact on all aspects of their life

  • Failing to put patients first”


Well they didn't live up to what they claim they want and they did all those things they claim they want to avoid, in my case.

On their Quality and Performance web page they state:

Well it's all a sham. All sounds very nice for appearances but the reality is very different. This can be easily seen by my blog post "The QA Questionnaire & Next Steps" and the remainder of this website. Smoke and mirrors and PR claims that in reality, mean nothing.

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