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"Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Exposed"
The truth and facts about how an NHS Trust committed deliberate diagnostic negligence and wilful acts of harm against an autistic - and then aided by PHSO, in breach of law, covered it up with lies.
A work in progress... watch this space and keep checking-in as more evidence and information will be added in due course, as posts are updated and new blog posts are put up, in continued exposure!
Sister site exposing SPFT CAMHS here:
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Laws Being Broken from 2009 Onwards
by Sussex Partnership NHS Trust
The Autism Act 2009
The Autism Strategy 2010
"Think Autism" (Government update to the Autism Strategy):
Statutory guidance arising from The Autism Strategy:
Equality Act 2010
Disability Discrimination Act 2005
Human Rights Act 1998
Data Protection Act 1998
The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014
Sections 20 – 25 of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015
NHS NICE CG142 on assessing, diagnosing and supporting adults with autism (which has been tested in court, they must comply)
"Offer all adults who have received a diagnosis of autism (irrespective of whether they need or have refused further care and support) a follow-up appointment to discuss the implications of the diagnosis, any concerns they have about the diagnosis, and any future care and support they may require." and the personalised plan required is here:
The NHS Constitution (Section 3(b) under legal duties honesty; duty of care (P119-120); Section 2(a) patients best interests "treatment must be in your best interests"); dignity and respect in accordance with human rights and more.
Then of course there are NHS and other rules they are breaking such as these:
NHS rules on private diagnoses ( "You shouldn't need to have any of the same tests twice – for example, to diagnose or monitor your condition. In this case, the test will probably be part of your NHS care and the result will be shared with your private care provider if necessary." and ( "Private consultations If you’ve had a private consultation for tests and diagnosis, you can still have treatment on the NHS. Your position on the NHS waiting list should be the same as if your original consultation was on the NHS."
Codes of conduct and ethics and regulatory body rules, relating to nurses, doctors and clinicians as regards lying, refusing to recognise or support a patient's condition, sub-standard practice, data protection breaches etc.;
Committed harm to a vulnerable adult according to the Government definition;
Personnel employment contracts in how they are expected to perform and behave;
Fit and Proper Person Test for executive staff;
Duty of candour;
NHS England rules: "the NHS is expected to act in the best interests of the patient at all times"
Duties towards carers (
There are probably even more. And PHSO has ignored all of this, found nothing wrong and harmed me more, by even breaking the law themselves as detailed here.
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