Reviews of Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Let's look at the public ratings of this Trust. Remember, they are a mental health Trust. So making sure people feel good is what they are supposed to be doing well.

Trust Pilot has SPFT rated as poor, which doesn't surprise me. With comments such as "useless", "very poor" and "unfit".
The NHS review site states that they will not publish "Complaints relating to clinical negligence which should first be addressed by the relevant hospital or practice" What if you did raise it with the relevant service and it got you nowhere! Clearly the real reason is they don't want their full incompetence made public. There are ten reviews on this website, only one was positive, the others, were all, with the exception of a single two star review, zero or one star:
481 stories told, which is the largest review base of all the sites and only one story has led to a change, only one person would recommend SPFT as a service:
Staff reviews with an overall mediocre rating and lots of criticism, including a bullying culture, mass clinical staff desertion of jobs, poor management and being "stitched up", by what sounds like plural colleagues:
Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust scored only 4.4 out of 10 for support and wellbeing in CQCs survey and this was an unchanged rating!

This is from PHSO about the numbers of complaints they have had about SPFT between 2010-19